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Will Dress Up for Frosé

Alt. Title: Will Turn Anything into an Excuse to Dress-Up.

My perfect Spring day would start with getting dressed-up in a chic outfit paired with showstopping heels, and cute makeup. From there my friends and I would have a glamorous rooftop brunch in NYC and continue to explore the cities best rooftop bars. The main drink on the menu would be frosé.

Obviously, this day cannot be a reality at the moment, but that wouldn't stop me from dressing up and making my own frosé. After deciding on doing this, I looked up quite a few recipes, noticing that most added fruit or juice to add a bit of a fruit flavor. I made my way to Target to pick up a bottle of rosé, frozen strawberries, and strawberry lemonade. Before making the frosé, I had to get dressed up.

Did I decide on matching my outfit to the wine? Absolutely! I threw on a satin, light pink, opened back blouse that had a chic high neck and slightly puffed shoulders. I paired it with black jeans, pink rhinestone heels, and pink jewelry. I finished off the look with a curly low ponytail, and a cute pink makeup look. (False lashes were obviously included.) Unfortunately, I didn't get a full outfit pic, but I promise, it looked fabulous! After getting glammed up, it was finally time to channel my inner bartender.

Yes, I picked this wine based on the bottle.

As I previously mentioned, I looked up several recipes, but I decided on using them more as a guideline, instead of following all of the instructions. I decided on a strawberry lemonade frosé and have listed the directions below. (Sorry, measurements are not exact because I kind of winged it.)

  • I started by putting ice in a blender.

  • Then, I poured the entire bottle of Yes Way Rosé into the blender.

  • From there, I added frozen strawberries.

  • Then, I poured in some of the strawberry lemonade.

  • Because the rosé was dry, after the first taste test, we decided to add sugar.

  • Lastly, I blended it to almost perfection. (Let's pretend this is true.)

Though, it took a couple tries to nail it, the frosé turned out great. From there, my sister and I enjoyed the drink and watched The Nanny Diaries because Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans pair great with rosé. Truth be told, it was a lot of work and I'll probably stick to drinking frosé at bars from now on. However, it is the perfect Spring drink and I highly recommend trying it yourselves, so I'm linking a few more recipes below;




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