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Friendsgiving, but Make It Brunch

Got to love a good self-timer photo

I have a confession. I am not a huge fan of Thanksgiving food. It's not that I don't like it, but growing up in a Southern family, I ate turkey and mac n' cheese on any given Thursday. That's why, when my roommate and I decided to throw a Friendsgiving, I suggested we make it a brunch. Besides, if we were going to celebrate, it might as well be with our favorite meal.

I was excited for both the brunch itself and planning the event. I love planning events of all scales but having our first Friendsgiving in our New York apartment made this event all the more exciting. Before the day arrived, I set up a menu, decorated our apartment with some décor, and planned a couple of activities for our little brunch.

Get in my Belly!

Our morning started with the cooking. Which, I'm not going to lie, my roommate did the most of (cause if it was up to me, our oven would be used to store the clothes that don't fit in my closet). Our menu, which I wrote out in a festive fashion and hung on the wall, included; a veggie scramble with cheese, spinach and bell peppers, home fries, whole wheat bagels, and watermelon. Instead of regular bacon, we had turkey bacon. I mean, you must have at some turkey at any Friendsgiving celebration. We also had mimosas with a splash of cranberry juice to make them more festive.

While we ate, we watched the first Thanksgiving episode of Gossip Girl. After all, Thanksgiving is Blair Waldorf's favorite holiday. Also, what's a Friendsgiving without a little bit of drama? Of course, we were glad that our drama stayed inside our television screen. After that, we decided it was acceptable to watch a Christmas movie, and watched The Knight Before Christmas on Netflix, which, I highly recommend to anyone who loves cheesy holiday movies. Shortly after we each entered food comas.

When we woke up from our naps, we made cupcakes and spent the rest of the day binge watching Disney+. It was nice to spend a Friendsgiving in our apartment, especially since neither of us were going home for the holiday. I'd like to end this by saying cheers to a great friend, and thank you to my family that supports me while I chase my dreams in the Big Apple. I'm truly thankful!



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