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Dating in Duval: Please, Just Let Me Walk The Dog!

And another strange encounter!

Imagine, it's a Saturday afternoon. I spent the morning getting a gorgeous blowout and then going to brunch. I had the rest of the day to myself and thought it would only go up from there. By the fact that I'm even writing this, you know I was wrong.

As a true ambivert, when I have a day off, I like to be a little social, but also enjoy some time to myself. This is what I thought I was doing when I took my aunt's dog for a walk, but, of course, that's not quite what happened.

I'll admit, I was feeling pretty great. I had on a cute outfit with a sassy one shoulder top and ripped jeans, and great blowout. With this confidence I was just walking, but strutting down the street, but what I didn't realize was that someone was watching.

I looked behind me, and noticed a car moving slowly. Assuming that I was in the way, I moved to the side of the road. At this time the car came up next time and rolled down the window. Inside was a red-headed guy who said, "hey." I wasn't sure what to do at first, so I reluctantly said, "hey?" Then he said, and I swear, I'm quoting this exactly, "I gotta run, but I thought you were kinda cute or whatever so here..." Next thing I know, he was handing me a small piece of paper with his number on it, and said, "text me." Then he drove away.

I looked down at the dog, and said, "no way." While I appreciated the boldness, more than anything I was creeped out. So, if I can give a guy any advice on asking a woman out, please do not do this! Also calling someone cute or whatever will not work out in your favor. If you're going to give out a compliment, at least be confident in what you're saying.

Seriously though, just please let me walk the dog in peace.



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