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Dating in Duval: And This is Why You Had Covid

You know those dates where the conversation is flowing nicely, you have a smile on your face the entire time, but there wasn't any real attraction or spark. Well, this is where this story starts.

I had matched with this boy on Hinge (I use the word boy for a reason here), and right away we had great conversation, so I decided it was worth braving a first date in the middle of a pandemic. Now, it's hard enough for me to agree to go on a first date any other time (it's called having standards) so, me making the active choice to date someone new during this time is a huge deal. Because of a funny, cute line in my Hinge profile we decided to go out for tacos and margs.

When the day of the date came around it was cold and rainy, and, frankly, I just wasn't feeling it. I decided not to cancel, though, because my busy schedule constantly has people thinking I'm just blowing them off. I had already started getting ready when I received a text that said, "sorry, I'm not going to make it out. I'm drunk and don't want to meet you for the first time this way, but I would love a rain check." For some reason, I agreed to take him up on the rain check. Partly because I was not in the mood, and because he had gotten drunk with his friends watching the Florida Georgia game. For those of you who don't live in Jacksonville, that game is basically a religious ritual here, so it was somewhat understandable. I just wrote the entire situation off as a yellow flag, and we scheduled another date.

Finally, the day of our rain check rolled around, and we still ended up getting tacos and margs. It was a fun date and the conversation flowed nicely, but it felt more like talking to a friend rather than a potential love interest. Because I still had a good time, I agreed to go on a second date, just to give him one more chance before I had completely written him off.

For our second date, we had decided to get brunch. Once again, I was in the process of getting ready when I received another text saying, "Sorry, I'm really hungover. Rain check?" At this point, I'm pissed. I thought for sure he wasn't into to me and cared more about getting drunk with his friends than actually making it out on date. This was now a red flag, and I was done. Later that same day, I got another text that said, "so I wasn't hungover, I have Covid." Because I felt bad for him, I then agreed to another rain check after the 14-day quarantine of course.

Once his quarantine was over, we began to plan our second date. When we finally agreed on a date and time he said, "We can meet at mine and then go to the beach bars." In normal times, I'm always down to go out, but not in a pandemic. The beach bars have been proven to be a breeding ground for the virus, and I now understood exactly how he got it. Eventually, I came up with a lame excuse to not go out with him, and he proved to be just another waste of not one, but two cute outfits.



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